WABI Skincare Review

Coffee Scrub Review- Wabi is a company that specializes in ethical, natural coffee based exfoliants. the company is cruelty-free and based out of London, England. The body scrubs are handcrafted using Acabica beans which is supposed to give it an “intoxicating” scent.

LASHES: Episode IV Extensions 

The FINAL installment of my LASH Series is here!!! Lash Extensions are the new thing, so I figured I would save the best for last. Before I go on I wanted to let you all know a few things; I do not have eyelash extensions, though I have in the past. I don’t want to […]

My *Everyday* Makeup Must-haves

Let me preface this by saying I definitely do not wear makeup everyday. I believe in giving my skin some TLC and keeping it light unless I have a big event or maybe just feel like getting all dulled up! This product lineup is perfect for an interview or at the office (when you feel […]

Would You Rather… Beauty Style

Hi all! Thanks for swinging by… Saw Tarte do a cool little “Would you rather?!” segment on their IG story last week and thought it was pretty rad. I got to thinking and thought that making my own similar little post, kind of to help you all get to know me a little better! I […]

LASHES: Episode III Falsies

Today we’re taking about fake lashes, both individual and strip… and I’ll also give you some pointers on storing them so you don’t have to buy new strip lashes every week!

Common Sense Makeup Hacks That You Would Never Think Of…

I’ve learned so much about makeup in the last few months that I am literally on overload…however, there are certain things that have stuck out to me more than others as being an obvious *DUH*, but I would have NEVER thought of it on my own. Five of the most “Ah-Duh” makeup hacks I’ve learned […]

How to BoUnCe Back After Sleeping in Your Makeup

Don’t feel TOO guilty, it happens to the best of us. You had a fun night out in which you either didn’t make it home or you made it home only to die in your bed until morning, and taking off your makeup was just not in the cards for one reason or another. IT’S […]

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