Why I Started AshlieHipp.com + My Exciting Announcement

This blog post was promised to my Instagram followers months ago, I’m sorry it took me so much time. However, I do have an exciting announcement to make at the end that I think makes it all worthwhile! Anyway, I get asked this all the time. Why did you start a blog? What makes you want […]

My Day in 10 Pics: Feb ‘18

When I did this last month, I never expected it to get as much attention as it did. For that, I’m back with a second installment of “My Day in 10 Pics” the February edition… 1. I got my morning iced coffee. Venti, iced coffee with 7 pumps of vanilla and 5 pumps of sweet […]

How to Style Dad Sweaters Without Looking like a Bum…

It’s STILL winter, the snow is STILL falling, it’s STILL COLD AF… Maybe you don’t feel like wearing a bra, but need to look presentable… or maybe you want to look cute, but not freeze your nipples off… what do you wear? Enter the *Dad Sweater*. Cute, comfy and sometimes even a little sexy… You […]

A-Z, All About Me

Hello! I hope you had an amazing week! Today I am going to describe myself using one word beginning with every letter of the alphabet… with no explanation. You’ll go on to see that sometimes sticking to one word is just too hard. Obviously this idea is not original to me, I found it on […]

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