Super Simple Crock-Pot Chicken

I posted a pic of my weekly quick and super simple crock-pot chicken last week on Instagram and was floored by the amount of people asking me to share it…

I typically use it for quesadillas, being that I am absolutely obsessed with my George Foreman Quesadilla Maker. I’ve linked it for you, highly recommend. However, it can also be used on tacos, nachos, burritos, and even salad… if you’re into that sort of thing.

Let’s jump right in!

Just a heads up, some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases.

The Ingredients

I use a 1.5 qt crock-pot that gets the job done, splendidly. Here’s a link for a similar one!

Other than your crock-pot, you’ll need one three ingredients to make this chicken.

  1. 1pkt of Ortega Taco Seasoning Mix
  2. 1 8oz bottle of Ortega Mild Taco Sauce
  3. 3-4 Chicken Breasts, around 4-6 ounces each- if you’re using more than this, you’ll probably want to upgrade to the bigger bottle of taco sauce!

The Prep

This is where the “super simple” part comes in.

Toss it all into the crock-pot, mix it around and put that baby on “high” or “low” depending on how long you have to wait for it to cook!

On high it takes about 2 hours, on low around 4! Hit the gym, slap on mask, go out and live your life for a while. You’ll know it’s done with you stick a fork into it and it literally falls apart.

Shred it

The easiest way to shred crock-pot chicken? With two forks!

The whole processes should only take around 2-3 minutes

Let it Soak Up the Sauce

Throw your shredding chicken back into the crock-pot on warm for 10 minutes. Allow that delicious chicken to soak up all the sauce

Bon Appetit!

You’re ready to eat! I throw some plastic wrap over the bowl and save it to make a quick after work or bedtime snack. It’s my favorite.

If you try it out, make sure you let me know what you think!



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