What Is My Skin Type? | Take the Quiz & Find Out

Normal, Dry, Oily, Combination, Sensitive…… trying to figure out your skin type can get overwhelming, right?

Normal Skin | How to Maintain it & Make it Glow

Congratulations, you were blessed with normal skin and have basically hit the skin type jackpot. However, all that glitters is not always gold and your skin needs to be taken care of just like others. It may not require as much, and may not give you a great deal of frustration, but that can change. […]

Oily Skin | How to Treat & Manage Your Skin Type

Oily skin can make you feel slimy and gross, even though it should not. First, because in your eyes, your skin always looks 10x worse than how others see it. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about how to treat oily skin and the pimples that seem to always come […]

Dry Skin | What Causes it & How to Treat it

Dry skin is probably the most difficult skin type to treat, unless you can discover what’s causing it. Products, lifestyle choices and environmental factors, as well as genetics are all possible causes of dry skin, but what may treat one, may amplify the effects of another.

Combination Skin | What Does It Mean & How to Treat It

Combination skin is undeniably the most common skin type. Those with combination skin typically have a more oily T-zone, while the rest of their skin is either dry or normal. Treating skin that is essentially two types in one is both challenging and fun. One more than the other until you get it under control…

sensitive skin

Sensitive Skin | How to Sooth Your Skin

So you have sensitive skin… Finding products is hard, the wind hurts your face & if you step outside without SPF you turn red like a tomato. Your small pores make breakouts rare, however rashes and broken capillaries cause red, breakout like textures on your cheeks and forehead. Treating your skin is more about soothing […]

Get Medical Marijuana for Anxiety

Get Medical Marijuana for Anxiety in Pennsylvania

Hello Hello! Today I am coming to you as a HAPPY and EXCITED resident of Pennsylvania, because *drum roll please*. It was announced this week that as of July 20th 2019, the department of health has approved the treatment of medical marijuana for anxiety. Actually, I’m not even sure that “happy” and “excited” scratch the surface of how I’m feeling. Finally being able to legally treat my condition with the medication that has been helping me for years is, indescribable! Above all, this is truly a win for the mental illness community in PA.

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