Normal Skin | How to Maintain it & Make it Glow

Congratulations, you were blessed with normal skin and have basically hit the skin type jackpot. However, all that glitters is not always gold and your skin needs to be taken care of just like others. It may not require as much, and may not give you a great deal of frustration, but that can change. Let’s make sure it doesn’t! Making sure the products you’re using, as well as, focusing on your diet will maintain your (mostly) clear complexion and give you that dewy glow that we all strive for.

*Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases.

Not sure what your skin type is? Click Here to take the quiz!


Having normal skin means that you get to experiment with products a little more than if you had another skin type. The important thing is going to be to never switch out more than one product at a time, and give your body 3-4 weeks to adjust before introducing another new product to your skincare regiment. Not only are you allowing your skin to become comfortable with one new product at a time, you are also able to gage if that product is right for your skin. Additionally, you should exfoliate normal skin no more than 2-3 times a week and I like to use one detox mask and one soothing mask (2 masks) per week, as well. Lastly, I try to wear less makeup in the summer and let me skin breathe. I find that this keeps it happy even when I’m sweating like a hog.

normal skin

It is almost impossible for me to write a one-size fits all section about diet and breakouts. I, myself, have normal skin, so I can tell you this for certain. Not all skin, normal or other, is created equal. For example, cutting cream or milk out of my morning coffee was enough to curb all my breakouts (except hormonal because, you know). I don’t eat clean by any means, but I do try to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day, and my skin is clear. I’m not telling you this to brag, I’m telling you this to demonstrate that you have to find what foods are causing your mini breakout and cut them out.

Product Recommendations:

Give these products a try & let me know which are your favorites!



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