90’s Fashion Comebacks I Can’t Live Without

Fashion is like karma; what goes around comes back around. Recently, 90’s fashion has been making a comeback into our closets. While some appear to just be fast fashion fads (I’m talking about you biker shorts and tiny sunglasses), I personally hope some of them are here to stay… forever. Which ones are those? You […]

Skincare Review: Clarisonic Mia 1 Face Brush

The Clarisonic Mia 1 face brush is known to be the best introduction to the sonic cleansing system. It is also said to leave skin clear, glowing and as soft as a baby’s bottom. I’m going to have to agree with all of the above… With that being said, this will be an honest review, I would never do my followers wrong like that. You guys know me! Here’s why I love The Clarisonic Mia 1 Face Brush.

Studio Apartment Living: Turning Accessories into Decor

Since moving into my studio apartment in March, I’ve been struggling to organize everything in a way that will keep me sane. The way I like it just so happens to be the only way I’m able to keep anything clean… everything must have a place. If there is any question as to where this […]

Five Helpful Bumble Dating App Tips for Single Guys

Recently I’ve been bored (like really bored), so I’ve been opening my Bumble app more than once every 18 days. During these times of extreme boredom and thirst for attention, I find it harder than I should to find a guy that piques my interests. Some would argue this is probably because dating apps like […]

I Don’t Want to Call it a Bucket List: The Travel Edition

Inspired by one of my favorite fictional TV characters, Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds, I decided to write down all the things I want to do before I die… This seems so morbid at the ripe old age of 27, but it’s nice to have a little list of things I want to see before […]

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