Dry Skin | What Causes it & How to Treat it

Dry skin is probably the most difficult skin type to treat, unless you can discover what’s causing it. Products, lifestyle choices and environmental factors, as well as genetics are all possible causes of dry skin, but what may treat one, may amplify the effects of another.

*Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases.

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Products can play a large role in what’s causing dry skin on your face and body. Therefore, it’s time to focus on getting and retaining moisture, starting with your products. Get rid of anything that contains large amounts of “alcohol” and grab a rich and nourishing moisturizer. It is your best friend! Try to stay away from too many oils, as it may tell your body not to produce as much, leaving your dryer than before!

Another tip is to only exfoliate ONCE a week. Over exfoliating can also worsen dry skin. My best advice is to get a nice cream cleanser and apply moisturizers and serums to the skin morning and night to keep your skin happy, healthy and looking hydrated.

Dry skin

Lastly, be wary of the types of foundation you are wearing, especially those with a matte finish. By the end of the day your skin will look a lot like this picture of the desert. I recommend trying to stay away from heavy foundations all together and using a tinted moisturizer or BB Cream instead, if possible.

Lifestyle Choices & Environmental Factors

Obviously it is July, so it is Summer here in Pittsburgh, PA. If you spend copious amounts of time in the sun and expect your dry skin not to worsen, you’re insane. Summer’s heat, and adversely Winter’s cold, can do a number on any skin type, but dry skin especially. Protect yourself, lather up with a nice moisturizing sleeping mask at night, and during the day a nice moisturizer with SPF should help you out.


Last, but not least, genetics could be what is causing your skin to be so dry. What can you do about that? Well, not a whole lot other than find a routine that works for you a stick to it. As with any genetic skin issue (acne, oily skin, premature aging), it is important to be meticulous in sticking to your routine, especially once you find the magic combination for your skin.

Product Recommendations:

I hope this was helpful! If you have any questions, I am always only a direct message away.



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