AshlieHipp x Animal Friends: Spring Puppies

Everyone wants a puppy. In the springtime more than ever. Puppies at Animal Friends is a hard thing to come by. However, yesterday there were two different litters. One with three puppers, one with only one. As soon as I walked in and saw them, I knew they wouldn’t be there long… I was right. […]

AshlieHipp x Animal Friends: Abby & Baby Doll

Hello! I’m so excited for my first adoptable animal spotlight… as I said before, I’m going to try to post one or two of these a month. Animal adoption has always been something near and dear to my heart. Blayze, my cat, was kind of a rescue. He came from Craigslist, but I responded to […]

Why I Started + My Exciting Announcement

This blog post was promised to my Instagram followers months ago, I’m sorry it took me so much time. However, I do have an exciting announcement to make at the end that I think makes it all worthwhile! Anyway, I get asked this all the time. Why did you start a blog? What makes you want […]

4 Things We Need to Stop Calling Unattractive

Metaphors and analogies are my favorite part of life. There is nothing I like more than a great, overdramatic, yet spot on comparison. Overtime, some of these comparisons get overused and they, in turn, become annoyingly cliché. Metaphors like these actually become more of an insult to the object we started to compare things to […]

Writer’s Block: Overcoming It and Some Writing Prompts to Help

Writer’s block is the devil… but I’m here to help! Starting and maintaining a blog can get so overwhelming. Writers block comes in many different forms. Self doubt, boredom and even from outside influences like work or the real world. Not to mention, coming with up cute and original post ideas is a daunting task […]

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