Oily Skin | How to Treat & Manage Your Skin Type

Oily skin can make you feel slimy and gross, even though it should not. First, because in your eyes, your skin always looks 10x worse than how others see it. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about how to treat oily skin and the pimples that seem to always come with it. Oily skin is always caused by the over production of sebum in your pores. Like dry skin, products, lifestyle choices and environmental factors, as well as genetics are all possible causes of oily skin. Let’s dive right in…

*Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases.

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First thing is first, stay away from oils. Instead of telling oily skin to stop producing as it does when your skin is dry, using oil on oily skin will tell your body to up the production of sebum. In other words, your body is a well lubed machine, it knows what it needs and when adding more oil into an already slimy situation is only going to make it worse. This goes for all product. Make sure any face wash, toners, masks, moisturizers, foundation etc. have little to no oil and are non-comedogenic. Products that are non-comedogenic do not clog pores and form comedones, which are also known as pimples.

Next, people with oily skin should exfoliate 3-4 times per week to be sure that they are removing all dead skin and build up from within their enlarged pores. Lastly, I’m going to stress one more time that whatever moisturizer you are using needs to be oil-free.

oily skin
Lifestyle Choices & Environmental Factors

The biggest lifestyle choice effecting oily skin is diet. It is a proven fact that ingesting greasy foods will make you face more oily, as well as potentially cause more breakouts. Additionally the environment can also play a part in how oily your skin is. For example, in the summer you may notice that you’re much more slick than you would be in the winter. That’s completely normal and probably just means you need to be using different products for each season.


Often times those of us with oily skin also struggle with acne. This is why sticking to your routine, especially once you find the magic combination for your skin, is so important. It take 21 days to make a habit, stick with it and your skin will show the results you’re looking for!

Product Recommendations:

My last words of advice, be patient… you will find the right product combination that makes your skin “perfect”. As always, I’m here to help should you need me!



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