10 Fun Things To Do In Pittsburgh This Summer

It’s the end of May! We are on the heels of Memorial Day weekend, which can only mean one thing… we can wear white again! Just kidding, it means that it’s time to honor our nation’s heroes! Oh and, summer is coming. The summer season is an interesting time when the closest body of water your […]

4 New Additions to the Pittsburgh Nightlife Scene

Hey all! I’m super excited to post my first guest blog! This one is sponsored by Limo Bus Pittsburgh! If you’re a local or visiting Pittsburgh, you won’t regret this read… Here are some of the newest spots in Pittsburgh to add to your next nightlife adventure. If you plan on drinking with friends, remember […]

The 6 Most Basic Things Girls Do When It Gets Warm In Pittsburgh

Being that Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is a relatively small city, it’s hard to find a ton of fun and different things to do. This is especially true through the frigid, miserable winter months. It seems as though most people in the area go into hibernation… bars are less crowded, people are staying in because it’s literally freezing. […]

If Pittsburgh Bars Were Kardashians…

I was really bored when this topics came to mind. Obviously this is all a matter of opinion, and if you can’t find humor in it than I’m sorry about your life. 1. The Flats • Kylie … I mean this one was so obvious I feel I don’t have to explain it, but it’s […]

My Day in 10 Pics: Feb ‘18

When I did this last month, I never expected it to get as much attention as it did. For that, I’m back with a second installment of “My Day in 10 Pics” the February edition… 1. I got my morning iced coffee. Venti, iced coffee with 7 pumps of vanilla and 5 pumps of sweet […]

6 Major Telltale Signs That Your Fav Instagram Account Bought Their Following

Let me start off by saying to each their own… if you want to buy followers, go ahead and do that. This isn’t to “expose” anyone, just want my followers and fellow bloggers to understand the difference between an authentic and a purchased following. Business and bloggers who buy their audience are what’s going wrong […]

Luna Boutique 

Hi all! Happy Monday 🖤 This past weekend I was invited to the GRAND OPENING of Luna Boutique in Sewickley, the cutest little town outside of Pittsburgh… let me just say WOW! The whole shop is so perfect, the aesthetic speaks to me (black walls, awesome color scheme), and the pieces are TO DIE FOR. […]

Pittsburgh Fresh

As some of you may know, last month I won a contest with Pittsburgh Fresh for three free meals! I thought it really went with this months “health&wellness” theme, so I saved my post about it for this month! Let me start by saying you get A LOT of food… the salad lasted me two […]

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