I Don’t Want to Call it a Bucket List: The Travel Edition

Inspired by one of my favorite fictional TV characters, Penelope Garcia from Criminal Minds, I decided to write down all the things I want to do before I die… This seems so morbid at the ripe old age of 27, but it’s nice to have a little list of things I want to see before […]

10 Fun Things To Do In Pittsburgh This Summer

It’s the end of May! We are on the heels of Memorial Day weekend, which can only mean one thing… we can wear white again! Just kidding, it means that it’s time to honor our nation’s heroes! Oh and, summer is coming. The summer season is an interesting time when the closest body of water your […]

Why I Started AshlieHipp.com + My Exciting Announcement

This blog post was promised to my Instagram followers months ago, I’m sorry it took me so much time. However, I do have an exciting announcement to make at the end that I think makes it all worthwhile! Anyway, I get asked this all the time. Why did you start a blog? What makes you want […]

The Top 3 Insults I’ve Ever Received

Haters gonna hate, guys. It’s part of life. I try to laugh at any and every insult thrown my way, but it wasn’t always that way. Insults and negative comments used to really alter my self-confidence. Sometimes it’s hard. At the end of the day knowing yourself and your worth will make you be able […]

My Day in 10 Pics: Feb ‘18

When I did this last month, I never expected it to get as much attention as it did. For that, I’m back with a second installment of “My Day in 10 Pics” the February edition… 1. I got my morning iced coffee. Venti, iced coffee with 7 pumps of vanilla and 5 pumps of sweet […]

6 Major Telltale Signs That Your Fav Instagram Account Bought Their Following

Let me start off by saying to each their own… if you want to buy followers, go ahead and do that. This isn’t to “expose” anyone, just want my followers and fellow bloggers to understand the difference between an authentic and a purchased following. Business and bloggers who buy their audience are what’s going wrong […]

How I Prepare for a Shoot: Part One

Helllooo! If you’re here that probably means you’re either a blogger, photographer, model or one of my Mom’s friends. *My Mom and her friends are the most loyal followers I have, swear. This is Part One of a highly requested series explaining how I prepare for photoshoots. All of these steps are somewhat interchangeable depending […]

How to Style Dad Sweaters Without Looking like a Bum…

It’s STILL winter, the snow is STILL falling, it’s STILL COLD AF… Maybe you don’t feel like wearing a bra, but need to look presentable… or maybe you want to look cute, but not freeze your nipples off… what do you wear? Enter the *Dad Sweater*. Cute, comfy and sometimes even a little sexy… You […]

A-Z, All About Me

Hello! I hope you had an amazing week! Today I am going to describe myself using one word beginning with every letter of the alphabet… with no explanation. You’ll go on to see that sometimes sticking to one word is just too hard. Obviously this idea is not original to me, I found it on […]

My Five Favorite Lines to Live By

The five quotes that get me through the day are… 1. Onward & Upward. – I know if you follow my personal IG or Pittsburgh Blogger Babes you’ve seen me say this thousands of times! It’s truly my mantra. It reminds me to keep pushing on because the only way to go when you’re feeling […]

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