Tint & Tan

Hello, ladies… and maybe gentlemen, I don’t know 🤷🏼‍♀️

I’m going to start giving you all more frequent gimpses into my real life (slowly but surely). Since I’m still not super comfortable talking about what’s going on in my head or anything serious in my life (not that theres anything to write home or for anyone to worry about), I’m going to start small.

Recently my high school BFF, Katelyn and I came up with a fun little *side hustle* that I want to tell you all about.

*The Tint & Tan*

We come to your house, you invite your friends and we get beautiful (and possibly drunk) together. We offer spray tans as well as lash and brow tinting, and we are ready to get your look on fleek.

It’s basically a Mary Kay or Pampered Chef style party, but better….

Why is it better?

Your guests know exactly what they’re spending up front, if they don’t want a service they don’t have to feel like they need to get it done- it’s all customizable.

What are my options?

Each person attending can choose from the following “packages”.

“THE WORKS” $70 includes spray tan, lash&brow tint

“One-n-One” $60 icludes spray tan and one tint of your choice

“Just Bronze Me” $50

“Tint Me Baby” $38 (both tints, single for $25 a piece)

How long do they last?

Your spray tan should last 5-10 days depending on how well you maintain it.

Your lashes and brows will last anywhere from 3-4 weeks depending on what products you use to wash your face and how often.

Why should I host one?


If 8 of your guests get “THE WORKS”, yours is free!

If 6 of your guests get “THE WORKS”, you get “One-n-One” for free!

…not a bad deal for a night in with your besties!

Let me know if you want to book us to come to your house. We’re able in Pittsburgh and traveling is an option depending on the location and how many people you plan to have attending!

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