Taking Summer Into Fall

Don’t you wish you could take everything you love about summer and combine it with everything you love about fall? With fashion, you kind of can…

Here are my favorite pieces that will be making the crossover into my fall wardrobe…

1. Shorts

If the weather is still trying to make up its mind, why do you have to pick one or the other? Shorts look so cute with sweaters and wearing them with boots and booties is totally cute. Don’t put them away just yet!

Sweater and Shorts: Express, Shoes: Nike Air Max, Hat: h&m
Bodysuit: Forever21, Shorts: Entice One, Boots: DSW
Shorts: American Eagle, Jacket: Entice One, Booties: Express


2. Sandals

Just like you can now wear boots in the summer, sandals (especially heels) can be worn in the fall! Pair them with your favorite pair of jeans or joggers and you’re ready for a night out on the town!

Joggers: Forever21, Shoes: Express
Bodysuit: Forever21, Jeans: Express, Shoes&Bomber: Charlotte Russe, Sunnies: Tommy Hilfiger (Marshall’s)
Sweater, Pants, Shoes: Express


3. Statement Earrings

Yepppp… I’m taking summer’s hottest accessory trend with me into the fall. Nothing spices up an outfit like some awesome accessories and who doesn’t love big earrings?! Both of these were my Mom’s from the 80’s or 90’s!

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