Bargain of the Week: Ruffled Sleeve Crew Neck

I was searching for something to wear to a shoot last week. I was looking for something very specific. I knew I wanted a pop of color, preferably a dark red, but I also knew I didn’t want to spend much… at all.

After going to several stores, I was feeling slightly defeated. Anything that was like what I had in mind was $28 to $55. UGH.

After what seemed like hours of searching, I had almost given up when I walked into Aerie, stumbled back to their sales rack and laid my eyes on this beauty…
Flowers by @jessica_linn_events
The sign above the clearance rack said “60% off.”

I’m not good at math… like at all, so I typically just wait until I’m at the register and hope for the best. I was SHOOK when they told me $15.90.

You can get it for yourself right here.

This crew neck is perfect for two reasons. It’s comfortable, like sinfully comfortable… and it’s versatile. 

It comes in a handful of colors including a really nice gray, may have to snag that one for myself too! If you see me around Pittsburgh wearing this 4 times a week, don’t judge me.

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