Headache Remedies You Can Find on Amazon

Headaches and migraines are an unfortunate part of life for most adults. Although treating a headache can sometimes be as easy as popping an Advil, most of the time it masks the problem instead of actually eliminating the problem. Since I started working in alternative medicine 6 months ago, I’ve began to explore more health remedies, most of which are outside of western practices. In addition to this, I have started to look at treating the source as opposed to the symptoms.

For those of you who don’t know, in August I signed on as the Marketing Manager of Solevo Wellness, a medical marijuana dispensary here in Western Pennsylvania. While I have always been a true believer of using cannabis to treat my SAD and generalized anxiety disorder, I never thought past marijuana and into other alternative practices… silly me.

I have always suffered from headaches, whether they be hormonal, tension or a migraine I didn’t as for, I seem to get one or two that knock me down a month.

After much research and a lot of trial and error, I found five products on Amazon that not only help to relieve my headache symptoms, but also help to negate the source of the issue. Let’s chat about them, shall we?

Blue Light Filter

*Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases.

Blue Light Filtering Glasses

Blue Light Filtering Glasses

We’ve all seen bloggers and “influencers” talk about these for a while now. There are several brands out there, but at the end of the day these low-budget frames from Amazon get the job all the way done.

The reason these frames made it to the list is because digital eye strain causes 75% of my headaches, so when my coworkers suggested grabbing a pair, I jumped right on it. They also help to block out some of the fluorescent light at work.

Blue light filtering glasses work because they use a special anti-reflective coating or tint that blocks blue light, which causes eye strain that in turn leads to headaches and migraines.

*The crystal pink is currently out of stock, but they have black and clear that are totally cute as well!

At under $20, these are a steal!  Check them out here!

Peppermint Essential Oil

essential Oil

Recently I’ve been getting more and more into “whole plant medicine” because of my day job, and it is trickling into my personal life as well.

I have become overly intrigued by essential oils over the past few months. While I haven’t been able to pull the trigger on a DoTerra or Young Living starter kit, I’ve started to dabble with a few cheaper, but still therapeutic grade oils.

I found this brand on Amazon, and though I’m afraid to actually consume it since it’s not DoTerra or Young Living, I do defuse it when I feel a headache coming on. It was only $15 and, in my opinion, the perfect intro to what essential oils are capable of.

My question for all of you oil lovers is, which do you prefer DoTerra or Young Living & why… email me, DM me on Instagram… just find a way to tell me!

Want to try defusing peppermint to help your headache? I’ll link the essential oil here & a defusser here.

Cool-Air Humidifier

This next item can actually be used in conjunction with the peppermint essential oil, as a diffuser, or on its own.

Cool-air humidifiers are not only great for keeping your skin hydrated and your plant babies looking super green, they also help relieve the built up pressure causing your sinus headaches. Using a cool air humidifier is especially important in the winter months, as the dryness often associated with heat often leads to headaches.

The one I use even has a tray for essential oils, $56! Here’s the link.

Ice Roller

If you follow me on Instagram, you know my Ice Roller is my new best friend. Among many short-term benefits, using an ice roller can help calm inflammation, reduce swelling and to de-puff and shrink capillaries, thus reducing redness.

However, the major benefit to using an ice roller is that it stimulates the circulation of blood and lymph, which can help your skin look healthier and younger.

So, what does it do for headaches? Ice rollers are especially great for anyone who likes to apply both pressure and cold during their headaches. I feel instant relief when I roll it around on my sinuses, or even on my forehead as I feel a headache coming on. It not only eases the pain, but it also helps me to relax and un-clinch my jaw… which is probably part of the problem anyway!

Less than $12 for a “butt-load” of benefits. Check it out.

Face Mask

Last but certainly not least, is my nightly best bud… My pretty little face mask. (Sexy night-time pic below)

I pop this in the freezer every morning and fall asleep with it on my face every single night. What started as a way to get relief from a tension headache has morphed into an obsession and I can’t sleep without her.

This is great for those of us who don’t love light when we have a headache, but still want to be able to check our phones or watch TV without letting all the light in. Plus, it fastens around your head, so it doesn’t fall off like a basic a$$ ice pack would and you’re able to use it warm or cold!

Another plus, it’s only $16! Grab yours now.

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Have a great & pain-free week, friends!


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