My Fall Fashion Wishlist 

This post is bitter-sweet to write. Fall is my personal favorite holiday because of 🎃Halloween 👻(duh), and the fact that you can really play around with clothing without worrying about being too hot ☀️or too cold ❄️.. but summer ending is never fun. Days get shorter… and especially in Pittsburgh it seems like you never see the sun come winter, but anyway… Let’s find the *SiLvEr LiNiNg*. A new season is a reason to add some new goodies to your wardrobe.

Whether you’re going back to school shopping or just looking for a way to *treat yo self*, here are some of my biggest wants and inspirations right now.


Entice One




I used four stores to create my inspo boards. However, we all know I’m a huge BARGAIN SHOPPER, so I’ll be combing through the racks of Marshall’s and Ross to try to get my hands on some of these items without paying the big store prices. Let me know if you’d be interested in reading a post on how I find big names at low prices.

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