5 Skincare Mistakes to Always Avoid

Skincare, like dating, seems to have more rules of “what not to do” than “what to do”. This post is no exception. Things that you’re trying or regularly doing could actually be really harming your skin, and that’s why I’m here to help. Here’s a short list of 5 skincare mistakes to always avoid to keep your face looking fresh and flawless, without makeup.

Don’t Be a Hypebeast

I’m not going to say newly release & or newly popular items or “hacks” need to be completely avoided, everyone loves a good product drop or beauty experiment. However, don’t use products just because your favorite Kardashian, YouTuber or girl talking to her camera on IG told you it works for her.

Two reasons behind this… 1. Today you never know what reviews are truly honest, because 3/4 are paid advertisements. Even if they’re not paid, the product they’re pushing was “gifted” to them, basically the same thing. 2. What works on @mylifeissocoolfolloweverysecond’s face is not always going to work on yours.

Being in on the new product craze is cool, but if it’s hurting your skin… is it really worth it?

Stop Over Exfoliating

Realistically no one needs to exfoliate more than 3 times a week. This is, of course, dependent on your skin type, but over exfoliation often leads to more serious problems than you already had.

Another kind reminder to never ever use Saint Ives Apricot Scrub or any of the generics like it. The exfoliants in it have sharp edges which cut your skin and enable the other smaller pieces to actually get stuck in there. I used to be a huge St. Ives supporter until beauty school when it was drawn to my attention that what was being extracted from my pores was my exfoliator. If an influencer tries to get you to use St. Ives for anything other than lotion or body wash unfollow them immediately.

Never Replace Moisturizer with Coconut Oil

It’s not technically good for anyone because it is an occlusive moisturizer, but it should be especially avoided if you have acne prone skin. Occlusive moisturizers trap moisture beneath the skin. This means in order to moisturize your face, it has to clog your pores.

Adversely if you don’t have skin that is prone to breakouts, it could make your skin oiler or strip you of your natural oils completely. Your body is a well run machine, its wired to listen itself and figuring out how to solve a problem from there. By adding more oil to the skin, you either telling it “hey dude, there’s not enough oil here- produce more” or it’s going to recognize the oil as its own and stop producing as much oil.

Basically coconut oil will do one of three things… Cause breakouts, make your skin oily or dry out your skin even more

Just stay away.

Avoid Treating Issues that Aren’t There

This one is simple. Don’t be a hypochondriac when it comes to your skin. It goes along with what I just said above. Basically, if you start to treat your skin for something that isn’t there you may damage it more.

If you’re confused about whether your skin is dry vs. dehydrated or if your skin is just sensitive vs. having an allergy- go see an esthetician or dermatologist. 

Click here for a quick test to see what skin type you have!

Touching Your Face

Hands, cellphones, work phones, makeup sponges…. clean them regularly.

These things are breeding grounds for gross bacteria that cause breakouts. Anything that comes in contact with your skin on a day-to-day basis needs to be properly cleaned to prevent breakouts.

It’s a simple habit to create that may just save you from a big pimple on an important night.

skincare mistakes to avoid

Avoid these skincare mistakes and you should be on your way to flawless skin. As always, if you have any skincare questions whatsoever, I would be happy to help. Email me or DM me on Instagram! Also, check out my other skincare  related blog posts- I’ll link a few below!


Workout Without Breaking Out

Enormous Skincare Mistakes You Could Be Making

The Most Insane Skincare Habits 

Why Am I Breaking Out? 

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