Would You Rather… Beauty Style

Hi all! Thanks for swinging by… Saw Tarte do a cool little “Would you rather?!” segment on their IG story last week and thought it was pretty rad. I got to thinking and thought that making my own similar little post, kind of to help you all get to know me a little better! I […]

Why Am I Breaking Out? 

Breakouts are an evil part of life. Fortunately for us, almost all breakouts can be avoided by knowing the source and fixing the issue. Although finding the exact cause of a breakout may not be as easy as reading this post, it may be able to give you some ideas on where to start looking. […]

How to BoUnCe Back After Sleeping in Your Makeup

Don’t feel TOO guilty, it happens to the best of us. You had a fun night out in which you either didn’t make it home or you made it home only to die in your bed until morning, and taking off your makeup was just not in the cards for one reason or another. IT’S […]

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