Nail Hacks

If you’re anything like me, you H A T E taking the time to do your nails, but you’re not into paying $50 every two weeks to get them done. I’ve found some awesome tricks and techniques to make the nail painting process a little less *annoying* and I wanted to pass them along! 1. […]

WhAtTt Is my Skin Type?

Normal, Dry, Oily, Combination, Sensitive…… it can get overwhelming, am I right? While I can’t for certain tell you what skin type you have without looking at your face under a magnifying lamp, there are some indicators and tests that you can do to determine exactly what type of skin you have. It is important […]

Daily Skincare Routine

I’m so excited to share all of my acquired skincare and makeup knowledge with you all! For my first post I’m going to go very basic and talk about what is a good skincare regiment. I want to preface this by saying that I have normal skin(with hormonal breakouts *eye roll*). The products that work […]

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