Happy *Almost* Fourth of July. I’m here to give you some tips and tricks to help your skin looking flawless while you’re out partying like it’s 1776. This is a two part post, welcome to the SKINCARE portion. If you’re only here for the makeup I’ll link that post here, as well as at the bottom of this post! Let’s jump RIGHT in…

1. SPF

MOST IMPORTANT! Don’t forget to reapply regularly. Not only will this save you from sunburn but also wrinkles and premature skin aging. Oh and, need I mention skin cancer… protect yourself.

Make sure you’re not only putting SPF on your face, but your body also… Skin cancer knows no boundaries.

While on this subject, a hat and/or sunglasses to protect your eyes isn’t a bad idea either and investing in a lip balm or chapstick with SPF will save you from a world of hurt later… remember that.

2. Facial Spray

…because we all need to stay FRESH. Here are two that I recommend: 

 Evian- Perfect for a quick skin refresher. Comes in an aerosol can, comes out in a very light mist- I call it *liquid xanax*.

Pacifica- Just started using their Happy Essence Hydro Mist Spray and I am H O O K E D. Refreshes your makeup, keeps your skin hydrated. This is PERFECT for those of you with dry skin. It is a pump, so be careful with how close you keep it to your face… you don’t want to spray too much product onto one area of your face.

Coola- Got this guy in my Ipsy bag… I’ve used it a few times, it’s not my FAV to set your makeup. However, it’s on here because it’s very refreshing and it has SPF in it… big bonus.

3. Oil Blotting Sheets

Being outside all day sweating like a dog makes your skin oily and oily skin tends to break out… That’s where these babies come into play. They also keep your makeup in tact and your skin looking matte. Any brand will do! My friend Sarah swears by these guys, she takes them everywhere with her.


4. Bug Repellant

*Ain’t no body got time* for mosquitoes… am I right?! For those of you who are looking for a more natural bug spray than those found at the drug store, I asked my oil girl, Megan, for help. She recommends the Young Living

Purification Oil.This blend includes lemongrass, citronella, tea tree, lavender, and myrtle. She applies it on my feet because they absorb the oils the most and the fastest than any other body part. Any more oil related questions… she’ll will hook your ALL the way



5. Aloe

Even if you didn’t burn, your skin has still been put through the *trauma* of being exposed to the UV rays of the sun. Aloe is the perfect healing agent for your skin. Throw it on before you apply or lotion, or even in place of it!

…and that’s all folks!

I tried to come up with the items that are typically forgotten in the rush of the holiday, but are still super important- I hope it helps! If you’re looking for some tips on keeping your makeup flawless and melt-proof click here!

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Skincare, Makeup & Fashion Lover 26; Pittsburgh

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