Hello All! ‘Tis the season for being hella tan, am I right?! Summer is here and sun-kissed skin is more sought after than ever. I am currently two years no tanning bed and plan to keep it that way, however I am also in debt (like most millennials) and can’t afford a $50-60 spray tan every week, sigh. Looks like self tanning it is…

Enter, Glow Pro Tan.

Glow Pro is a self tanner company based out of good ole’ Pittsburgh, PA and offers several different shades and products, including my favorites the facial tanning serum and the 14% DHA Mousse (before and after below). If you’re interested in trying Glow Pro, click here and use the code ASHLIEHIPP to save 10% off of your first purchase. As always, thank you so much for using my links and codes, the support means more to me than you will ever know!

Anyway, since starting to use Glow Pro regularly back in March/April I have caught on to a few tricks that have helped me immensely. *My first application was a lil bit funky, so I’m going to try to help you avoid that with these super helpful self tanning tips.

*Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases.

The Prep

If you thought self tanning was a one-step kind of thing, it’s probably best you just go grab a spray tan. However, if you’re willing to invest a little bit of time and use some planning skills, you will have a self tan that no one even knows is a self tan. So let’s get into it, shall we?

First, be sure to shave or wax at least 24 hours prior to when you plan on applying your tan. Next, be sure to exfoliate no less than 8-12 hours before application and make sure you remove any left over color. Finally, apply a thick coat of your favorite moisturizer and let your skin soak it all in. These four little steps will ensure the pigment is evenly absorbed by the skin and help for a more even fade later on.

~*Pro tip*~ use an exfoliating glove before getting into the shower to use your loofa and/or scrub. It is a great way to get off tan from your prior application, as well as get rid of dead skin which will give you a deeper exfoliation in the shower. You can grab a glove here.

The Application

Before applying my 14% DHA Mousse, I use my favorite moisturizer on my elbows, ankles, wrists, feet and hands. Product tends to pull to and develop faster in these areas because there is thicker or rough skin. Next, start at the bottom and work your way up, and be sure to use a generous amount of product. Finally, I use a wet wipe and clean the palms of my hands (just incase), and then lightly wipe my elbows, ankles, wrists, hands and feet to make sure there is no excess product in these places.

Make sure you allow time for the product to dry before getting dressed. I typically just walk about naked for 5-10 minutes after. This is definitely excessive, but I’m also over cautious.

The Aftercare

First thing’s first, allow the tan to process for eight hours or more before rinsing. I make sure to only use water during my first shower and to ALWAYS use lotion after I get out. After that I shower normally and moisturize daily.

ALSO… Make sure you are still applying SPF before spending time in the sun, your self tan does not protect against sunburn!

Before & After Using Glow Pro Self Tanner!

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Skincare, Makeup & Fashion Lover 26; Pittsburgh

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