Dating is hard. Getting to know someone is really hard… knowing what to get someone you fancy is even harder. I’m 98% positive this is why guys have turned to flowers as their go-to first “gift”. It’s a guy’s way to give us a small and simple representation of their interest in us. However, boys, there is a better way to spend your money and still give your crush a living token of your admiration. Skip the cut flowers, grab a nice plant… That’s right, lose the flowers… bring in the plants.

Plants Last Longer Than Cut Flowers

My thought process here is two-fold.

First, if they last longer than a week (if that), your crush bound to think of you every time she looks at it. Basically, if it ends prematurely this could prompt a late night booty call because she’s drunk, looks at your “love fern” & *buzz buzz* “you up? wyd?”.

Second, it’s just a better investment. As I just mentioned, plants live longer so naturally there is a greater ROI. It’s not only about that though. Plants are often cheaper than cut flowers (the nice ones) to begin with. Being plants last longer than cut flowers, the writing is on the wall with this one.

Why Fit In When You Can Stand Out?

Flowers are so cliché. Don’t get me wrong, it’s always appreciated… by me at least, can’t speak for everyone here. However, if you’re trying to stand out in a sea of single f*ckboys, you should be a bit more creative. Think about it, if you’re bringing your dinner date grocery store flowers and she went on a dinner date last week with a guy that brought her flowers… are you actually standing out?

Let’s pause and talk about sending flowers… birthdays, promotions, anniversaries and “I’m sorry for sleeping with your friend” arrangements can call be switched out for plant arrangements. Most florists offer plants, but not all.

This leads me to my next point…

It’s not just the thought that counts anymore, it’s the time as well. The fact that you’ve picked a plant and have, hopefully, repotted it into a glass vase shows your lady friend that you’re willing to put time into her gifts. I mean come on, going into the grocery store and buying a bouquet of flowers is literally mindless.

As is calling a florist and having them make a gorgeous, cut flower arrangement for you. Hit up Lowe’s, Wal-Mart or a local plant shop, grab your vase and some soil then get to work. You’ll be done in no more than ten minutes if you’re not a complete dumbass.

Do better by doing a little more.

Also, don’t come at me about the price, vases on amazon are about $10.

One day I’ll write a dating guide for women, but I haven’t figured that out myself yet. LOL, call me Carrie Bradshaw. It’s just so easy to pick apart what guys are doing wrong… sorry not sorry, fellas. If we have to wear makeup and curl our hair just to go stuff our face and have small talk with a stranger, you’re going to have to step up your game.


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Skincare, Makeup & Fashion Lover 26; Pittsburgh

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