WARNING! Unpopular opinion ahead.

As most of you may know this week, or maybe the one before that I don’t know, started the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. Bloggers are going CRAZY pumping out posts, going to the store to do “try on” videos and shopping guides…. I just can’t get behind it. Funny enough as I was kicking around the idea of writing this post, I got a text from my gal pal Christina, and she felt the same way and it convinced me to pull the trigger. Thanks for that, gf…

I’m not writing this to shame anyone who does shop the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale or the blogger’s that promote it. I’m just trying to show that just because it’s on sale, doesn’t mean it’s a great buy. Being that I am a born and raised bargain shopper, thanks Mom, I can’t stand by and let people think they NEED to buy from this sale to fit in. I mean, who wants to fit in anyway… isn’t it all about standing out?!

Here’s why I’m not down with Nordy’s Anni Sale

Is it really worth it financially?

NOPE. This one is first because well, finances are tight for most people in their mid to late twenties. Gas is currently above $3.10 a gallon in Pittsburgh meaning the cost of two pair of underwear (on sale, mind you) would fill up my tank for one week. Why would I spend $20.00 on ONE pair of undies when I can head to VS and buy 3 and get me 3 for free? Shop around, ladies and gents…


Also, I’ll just throw this out there that even if it’s on sale, using a credit card almost defeats the purpose of saving because of finance charges. So how much are you actually saving?

Why am I buying stuff I can’t wear for 3-4 months?

I’m in instant gratification kind of girl, it’s the Aquarius in me. I don’t want to buy last years style of sweater and have to wait until mid-October to wear it. Am I even still going to want this in four months? OR Is this even going to be in this Fall? Fashion updates in the blink of an eye, and often times the cheaper pieces from sales like the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale are what’s going out of style.

Aren’t these supposed to be deals?

…you say yes, yet I can find 85% of these items for over half off at Express.

Don’t believe me? Here’s your proof.

Are you ever going to wear a plain black dress enough times to justify spending $365 vs $80?
Basically the same sweater for 1/4 the price…
I overall like the Express dress more for almost $300 less… Just sayin’
I realize this is comparing real to faux… but saving money and saving animals just makes more sense.

The overall point that I’m trying to make here is to shop around. The styles you see at Nordstrom can easily be found other places for much cheaper. I mean, come on.. if Express FULL PRICE is half as expensive as a SALE PRICE, show me where you are saving money…


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Skincare, Makeup & Fashion Lover 26; Pittsburgh

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