We all love to be contoured like a Kardashian, but unfortunately that comes with a price… and “it’s ain’t cheap!”

Fortunately for us, some makeup companies tend to over produce certain products and then they fall on the shelves of our beloved TJ Maxx and Marshall’s. We are truly blessed, people.

Back to the business at hand… this week’s bargain of the week is the Kat Von D Shade and Light Contour Palette. This baby retails at Sephora for $49, but TJ Maxx has been stocked full of them for $19.99. That’s over 50% off……..

Now it’s not the *newer* refillable palette, BUT the refilled retail from $14 to $16… for only $3 to $5 more you’re getting a whole new pallette.

If you’re in the Pittsburgh area, you definitely want to head to the TJ Maxx in Robinson. When I was there over the weekend they had so many of these for sale! I actually got mine at the Marshall’s in Wexford last week for the same price. 

They’re definitely out there, seek and you shall find…. comment below if you come across another stocked location! It’s always good to help each other out.

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Skincare, Makeup & Fashion Lover 26; Pittsburgh

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