Do you use Pinterest for more than outfit or hair inspiration? Are you looking to grow your Pinterest views in order to obtain more traffic to your website? I’m here to help!

Pinterest & Blogging

Pinterest has quickly become one of the best ways to bring in views and new visitors to your website, but are you managing it correctly? It took me sometime to realize that Pinterest may not be about the number of followers you have, but rather the views you obtain. While I was busy letting myself get discouraged by the number of followers I had, I was missing out on 500+ website views a month! Since learning how to manage my Pinterest and use it to promote my brand, I have seen such a positive impact that I wanted to share the wealth!

My Pinterest Experience

Up until February my Pinterest use was limited at best. I only used it because I was going to be moving into a studio apartment and needed ideas on how to arrange it to save as much space as possible. It wasn’t until I threw a blog post on there, my first real original pin, that I saw the power behind it.

Fast forward to May when my views per month were at an astonishing (to me) 12k, but my following was at a less than mediocre 215. I began to question how much the following really mattered and launched my own experiment. I wanted to find out how to grow my views more without the use of tailwind or any other third-party software, because every Pin I found only helped me if I was using one of those…

You can read more about how I more than doubled my views from June to July without using any third-party apps below, but just heads up I have downloaded Tailwind and I do plan on trying it out after this blog post goes live!

1. Put In the Time

From June to July I spent roughly 15 to 20 minutes on Pinterest, a minimum of three times a day. This isn’t counting the additional 5-10 minutes I spend pinning both before and after uploading original content of any kind… blogs, Instagram Posts, etc…

Growing the number of both boards and pins will give you maximum reach to a broad amount of accounts.

2. Post Original Content

…and I’m not just talking about your blog posts. Show users that you bring more to the table than a cute outfit or a trendy beach pic. I personally make phone backgrounds that can also be used for Instagram story templates! You can find them both here & hereBe sure to always link your website, Instagram or Twitter to these original pins so they are “living links”, thus giving it more push in the algorithm.

3. Follow Everyone

I mean EVERYONE. Unlike Instagram you have the option to never actually look at the tab that features all the accounts you follow, so I take full advantage of this. I go on mass follow sprees, which usually result in anywhere from 25-30 followers back per 5 minutes spent following.

4. Use What’s Trending

I have several “aesthetic” boards, not because I necessarily want them, but because they are what’s trending. Most of the time I end up being inspired by something on them anyway so it’s not a complete waste of time. Not only that, when you re-pin trending images it boosts your views! Woop Woop. Using what is trending is also another way to post some original content, if “pink aesthetic” is trending in photography and you have multiple pictures with a pink background or that fit that topic, PIN THEM NOW.



5. Join Pinterest Groups for Your Niche

Like Instagram comment pods, ONLY BETTER & actually legit. Teaming up with bloggers in your area or niche is a great way gain views to both your Pinterest and your website. Like-minded individuals are not only more likely to re-pin your work, but also to actually read what you have to say. Genuine feedback and viewership is what blogging is all about, so being able to reach a plethora of people who bring that to the table is a really big plus.

6. Utilize the “Tried” Feature

See an outfit that looks similar to one you shot in on the “trending” or “you may like” page… upload the picture you have to the “tried it” tab. I’ve noticed both an increase in views AND followers from this. Not to mention it has helped me network more with other bloggers that comment on my upload.







At the end of the day Pinterest is just another avenue to promote your brand. If you’re going to invest your time into something, make sure it’s being done in a way that will most benefit you… Do you know something I don’t about growing your views on Pinterest? Comment Below! I love sharing knowledge.


PS. Are we friends on Pinterest? If not, be sure to add me ASAP!

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Skincare, Makeup & Fashion Lover 26; Pittsburgh

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