THEY’RE FINALLY HERE! MY BUSINESS CARDS ARE FINALLY HERE! It took me hours to design them, another three hours to perfect them and then finally an hour of staring at them to make sure I loved them. When I started designing my business cards I knew I wanted something that stood out. Something that was different, but still super clean. Here’s how I designed my business cards online…

The Inspiration

I knew I wanted to keep the color palette consistent with what I like (millennial pink, black & white) and that was where I started. From there I searched Pinterest for a design and discovered that I needed square. I also stumbled across this random graphic of the “f word” and it inspired me that to repeat my name across the front of the card.

I really wanted my cards to be about my name and making it what people remember. After all, it is my website and brand… throwing it out there is just good self-marketing.

The Websites

I first used Canva to make my designs, I played around with different fonts, colors and styles but ultimately decided to go with the most simplistic looking option. This step definitely took the longest, but was so worth it in the end. Canva can be a tad tricky until you get the hang of it, but it is available both as a phone app and a website. I would highly recommend using the website over the app when designing business cards or other detailed graphics.

Then I used to upload my designs. I found Moo to be the most user-friendly and I got a really good bang for my buck. They even came with a little case to carry them around in! Bonus it has dividers so I can use it to store business cards I receive as well! My business cards also arrived two days before they were scheduled to… winning. My experience with Moo has been the best yet… I’ve used Vista Print for years, but will never go back now. Moo is it. 

I would recommend Moo for business cards to everyone, even if you’re not wanting to design your own. They have so many awesome, pre-made designs. If you have any questions to want me to design your business cards for you, email me and I’d be happy to discuss pricing with you.

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Skincare, Makeup & Fashion Lover 26; Pittsburgh

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