Hi guys! Sorry about the hiatus, busy trying to build an empire… decided I should pop back in for a little skin care regiment because that’s where it all began, right?!


It’s winter and my face, lips especially, are taking a hit. To keep my lips in check, I go with Burt’s Bee’s Wax. Any kind, but the original is def my go-to. Here’s the rest of my daily routine… no masks, no extras- just the basics. I cut out steps 1-3 in the morning, or if I haven’t worn makeup that day.

  1. Lancome Bi-Facial Make Up Remover- On the eyes with a cotton pad.
  2. Monastery Rose Cleansing Oil- Applied all over my face, wiped away with a cotton pad.
  3. Neutrogena Night Calming Makeup Wipes- A quick swipe over the face… Don’t throw away this towelette just yet!
  4. Tula Purifying Face Cleanser- My new right hand, my new favorite, the best thing I’ve ever washed my face with.
  5. Vasanti BrightenUp! Enzymatic Face Rejuvenator- Exfoliate, every other or every two days.
  6. Neutrogena Night Calming Makeup Wipes- Used to get the rest of that pesky eye liner/mascara off.
  7. Monastery Hydra Facial Mist- New fave toner. If you’re in Pittsburgh you can grab the Monastery products at RadRitual!
  8. Rutz Naturals Potent-C– Obsessed, just obsessed. Magic in a bottle, k. bye.
  9. Rutz Naturals Lighten Up– Moisturizer that smells as good as it works. S A V I N G my skin right now.

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Skincare, Makeup & Fashion Lover 26; Pittsburgh

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